Success Stories

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We’ve helped hundreds of businesses in Canada, USA and Caribbean achieve remarkable digital sales and marketing results. Below, we invite you to view some of our successful print media cases that have led to business growth and brand visibility.

Dr Alain GagnonPlastic Surgeon

Forest Hill Plastic Surgery & Medispa

Clinique Hanche GenouPrivate orthopedic surgery

Dr Gabrielle LandryHormonal Therapy / Woman’s health

Dr Ricardo RuzVascular Surgeon

Dr Marie-Ève ​​LacassePhlébologie et Médecine Esthétique

Dr Chad WuHand & Plastic Surgeon

Groupe Orthopédie MontréalPrivate Surgery Clinic

West Island Colorectal ClinicDr Christian Zalai

Dr Dani MassieOrthopedic Surgeon

Julie Provencher-LavoieNotaire

Ora RegénévaClinique Médico-esthétique

Blesk EntretienCleaning Services

CLLCCanadian Limb Lengthening Center

Dr. Hai NguyenOrthopedic Surgeon

Institut De Beauté Stéphanie GosselinClinique médico-esthétique

Centre Médical MiraMédecine privée

W Plastic SurgeryDr Vanessa and Dr Sarah Wong

Maxime LafrenièreReal Estate Agent

Toronto On-demandPlastic Surgery Center

Vicole Real EstateReal Estate Management

Dr Serge CôtéPlastic Surgeon

Limb Lengthening ClinicScrab Logo

Dr Kevin ZornMen's Sexual Health

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We’ll refine your business strategy and optimize your online marketing efforts to ensure maximum ROI from your PPC, SEO, and SMM campaigns.